Hazy Princess 420 Reviews The Vivant Alternate
I’m Hazy Princess. (Hazy-P)
I’m just stepping into the content provider community, and am honored to be reviewing the Alternate by Vivant. It’s an amazing product. This vape is Light weight, and packs a punch. As you’ll see in the review my favorite feature is the grinder. I’ll be reviewing more products, along with a few cooking videos, infusing foods with cannabis.
Follow the link to get yours right here https:/https://goo.gl/sXSrGP/
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If you have a product you want me to review, you can email us customerservice@gostoner.com and we will be in touch!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/GShazyprincess
GoStoner app @Hazyp 420
Massroots: HazyPrincess420
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Stay lit and have a clouded day.
Video Edited by: TAB420
Tweets by tabwaaronandmo