About Us

What is a Stoner?

Popular culture and the social norm label a Stoner as “a person that likes to smoke marijuana, lazy, unproductive, a drain on society”. At GoStoner.com we see things differently. We are doctors, lawyers, engineers, small business owners, stockbrokers, managers, salesman, the guy or girl that makes your coffee in the morning, we work 9 to 5 or 9 to 9, we clean your streets and make sure the power is on,

We get the job done…. We are the ACTIVE StonerGoStoner.com isn’t just a store where you can find high quality clothing, Content, and products… GoStoner a LIFESTYLE… Travel, Cuisine, Pop Culture, Music, Comedy, Reviews, Life…. A destination for all things Stoner where you can find everything from your next shirt, or where to get the best cannabis products, or just getting to know your favorite husband and wife stoner team of Hazy Hula and GoStoner on their quest for federal legalization and the normalize of the plant we all love!

Thank you for coming and ENJOY!

Are you an industry company and want us to review and promote your product? You can email us at info@gostoner.com and we will help you get your product out there!


Resources: Band Info: wikipedia.org Weed info: leafly.com + wikileaf.com

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