
This Is The First Time Hemp’s Been Planted in West Virginia Legally Since WWII
This Is The First Time Hemp’s Been Planted in West Virginia Legally Since WWII I...
NYC Smokers Feeling a Little Safer
Have you ever been to Manhattan and walked down any side street?  If so you...
Leira Cannabis Cigar
Today is the day the stoner community steps up their game and deliver a product...
Marijuana legalization push in Mass. just got a little more clear
News for Mass smokers, it seems they are a little closer to getting the legalization...
Diseases Treated By Medical Marijuana
What diseases would you think medical marijuana helps with other than the major ones we...
Free Weed from the Government!?
What would you say if you could get free weed?  Well the government had been...
Gallery Of Medical Marijuana Strains
Check out this video from the Marijuana Report.  If you like weed porn then here...
First Legal Weed Farm in Miami Area
That is right, it has begun in FL.  The first legal farm is now up...
Let States Make Marijuana Legal Says Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders made waves again on the campaign trail on Wednesday, 10.28.15 by announcing his...

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